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The Brain Science Behind the Integrated Leadership Model

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December 7, 2011 (10)

The Brain Science Behind the Integrated Leadership Model

Over the last several decades, advanced brain research has taught us a tremendous amount about how the human brain functions. And while the applications of this research are many, perhaps none is more fascinating than how brain research and human intelligence affects leadership and organizational success, especially as it relates to male and female leaders and the Integrated Leadership model.

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Men’s Role in Integrated Leadership

We’ve been talking about gender (and cultural) diversity for years now. And yet, despite the fact that 50 percent of the workforce is comprised of women and that women are now graduating with twice as many degrees as men, women make up only 14 percent of senior executive roles. So what is going on here? Why are more women not advancing to the senior leadership ranks?

I realize that I run the risk of being politically incorrect when I say this, but I think men play a significant role in this situation. Quite frankly, how could they not? The vast majority of senior and executive leaders are men. Given their sheer numbers, one must logically conclude that men have some kind of impact or influence on the lack of women in leadership…but not in the way that you might think.

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What Can You Learn from Steve Jobs?

In every conference and meeting I’ve attended this past week, the discussion has turned to the loss of one of our most admired thought leaders, Steve Jobs. Without question one of the most innovative leaders of our time, he changed the way people connect with one another and how we experience digital content. His holistic view redefined the personal computing, music, animation, cell phone and mobile computing industries, to name just a few. Many say Steve Jobs’ legacy will be “the blending of technology and poetry.”

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Better Balance Means Better Business Results

Having served as an executive for three Fortune 500 companies and running my own leadership development company for the past 20 years, I have never seen so many business leaders, across all business sectors and industries, work so hard to juggle so many challenges and opportunities. Shifting market conditions, higher customer expectations, ever-evolving workforce demographics, new business processes, constant advances in technology, and rapid social changes are causing many business leaders to rethink the kind of leadership that is needed to navigate the new terrain.

The truth is that we can no longer use the same thought and decision-making processes that we used just ten years ago…20th-century leadership models simply won’t work for 21st-century organizations and 21st-century problems. We need a different leadership model – one that is more balanced and integrated. Successful organizations of the future will be led by fully engaged, balanced teams of men and women working together. I call this Integrated Leadership.

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What Can Business Leaders Learn from the Leadership Failure in Washington?

While the more immediate issues regarding the debt crisis appear to be resolved, the recent events in Washington have illuminated the stunning failure of our country’s leadership. Never before have I seen from the various factions of government such a lack of collaboration and willingness to work together for the greater good of the country. Yet I choose to look for the silver lining in this challenging and disappointing situation with our government…perhaps there is something organizations can learn from this episode.

While many organizations have processes in place to encourage people to work together, most still struggle with the dilemma of collaboration between leadership levels, departments, genders, generations, and cultures. The culture of collaboration within an organization – or the lack thereof – starts at the top. Whether they realize it or not, the manner in which the leaders of an organization work together sets the tone for how everyone else in the organization will work together. If the vice presidents of sales and customer service won’t collaborate for the good of the customer, don’t expect their teams to work together either.

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Leadership in Italy – Amazing Things Happen When You Rise Off the Sticky Floor!

I recently had the pleasure of joining dear friends in a wonderful part of the world: Tuscany, in Central Italy. We enjoyed several days of sightseeing and biking across the countryside, as well as eating incredible food and tasting fine wines from a number of different regions.

A particularly memorable experience was a visit to the town of Pienza, where our guide, Pietro, took us up the mountain to a cheese-making farm operated by a delightful family. When we arrived, the owner, a woman named Hilda, welcomed us to what she referred to as her “dream come true.”

As we sat down for a tasting of her delicious cheeses, I asked Hilda to talk about how she made this magnificent enterprise happen. She shared that her dream had been to own a cheese-making farm that would eventually support her and her family. Yet she knew nothing about making cheese. In fact, when she first conceived her dream, she had been in the same job for 10 years and was living a very comfortable life.

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Complexity Requires Agility

Consider for a moment President Obama’s last few weeks: He has been entangled in a critical debate with Congress regarding the deficit. He made an unscheduled trip to Alabama to offer comfort and support after the deadliest tornado outbreak in nearly 40 years killed hundreds of people and decimated towns in six states. He’s been nettled by Donald Trump and those who continue to question the legitimacy of his Presidency. And, of course, he bore the burden of making the decision to proceed with the raid that ultimately led to Osama bin Laden’s death – a decision with global ramifications. All of this against a backdrop of ongoing conflict in Libya and turmoil in the Middle East.

Such is the job of today’s leaders, whether they lead countries, corporations, institutions, departments or teams. They must manage multiple priorities (and manage them well) often within a framework of extremely complex and constantly changing dynamics. The CEO's and executives I work with tell me that they can’t predict day to day what situations they will be dealing with or what events will be on their calendar, let alone the following week!

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Let’s Shift the Paradigm! The Time is Now for Balanced Leadership!

It seems lately that our world is experiencing dramatic shifts affecting us all. Whether it's events such as the world financial markets, the earthquake in Japan, bi-partisan budget wrangling or re-defining healthcare, the world lately seems to have shifted a bit on its axis. Another area that I’ve observed recently that’s also dramatically shifting right under our feet, is the concept of leadership.

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Welcome To The New Work Environment! – Managing Across The Generations

Have you noticed lately how different our workplace is, compared to even 5 years ago? One thing is certain, each time I walk into a client organization, there are at least four unique generations represented. Each one has been shaped by the events of their times, as well as their own life experiences. My previous blog titled, “Who Are You: From the Words of a King,” focused on identity, who we think we are and who we want to be. This particular story expands on one’s identity through the lens of what each generation wants or is looking for. These generations bring unique perspectives, work ethics, communications styles, and different priorities to the workplace. This being the case, working and managing across generations has become essential for anyone wanting to build a cohesive, productive, and high performing organization.

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Who Are You? From the Words of a King

I recently saw the Oscar-nominated movie The King’s Speech and thought it had such a captivating story that I went to see it a second time. One of the remarkable things about this movie is how it speaks to a central message for all aspiring leaders. It is essentially about bridging the gap between who you think you are and who you want to be.

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