The True Test For Great Leadership
My daily interactions with leaders and executives continually reinforce for me that these are challenging and difficult times for today’s business environment- in particular, the impact on job security as well as spending. I am reminded daily that our clients are actively navigating these “troubled waters” and looking to do “more with less.”
And yet, even in this difficult environment, I see so many great leaders focused on doing the right things and doing them right. An essential leadership attribute during these times is clarity. It’s important for leaders to keep staff informed but not sugar coat the situation. This calls for communicating the changes that are being considered while providing context: what does this mean for the organization, it’s people, and how can employees all have a part in navigating the change?
The other essential leadership attribute is the ability to engage others. Great leaders are committed to keeping their staff engaged at a tactical level while business strategies are being re-evaluated and business processes are being re-engineered. Encourage them to join you in focusing on a vision that is possible, focus on new priorities and inspire them to take conscious actions that will help them to realize that vision. Be interactive, actively listen, and take time to answer questions, and then do it again and again. Look at experiences to grow their talent while letting them know that their work is valued.
My last piece of advice for today’s leaders is to be resilient. This means having the ability to recover or adapt to changing conditions. This calls for all of us to believe: knowing that we can be the champion of our own change, leadership and potential. Be willing to:
- Re- wire your own belief system
- Let go of the old
- Break out of the status quo
- Adapt new habits and mindsets
- Take conscious steps forward to make a shift and avoid paralysis
- Listen and help others
I will continue to focus future blogs, programs and SHAMBAUGH webinars on the "how-to’s" for doing this and I welcome your success stories and examples. Together we’ll come through this time of crisis and be stronger for it!