Women in Leadership
Organizations that develop and tap into a diverse range of talent and experience are positioned to meet consumer market demands, activate innovation, share new strategies and drive performance. Women make up roughly half of the workforce and are an essential part of the leadership equation. Despite recent gains in the representation of women in the workplace, women are leaving at higher rates than men, worsening the “leaky pipe”.
– Rebecca Shambaugh
Founder of Women in Leadership and Learning
SHAMBAUGH Leadership has been at the forefront of women leadership development for over two decades, providing consulting, development programs and coaching for women leaders and executives. Our proven and long-term practices, tools, and evidence-based approach have allowed women to elevate their career goals and potential as leaders and provide greater influence and impact to their organizations.
Companies with three or more women in their executive committee had better results on the nine dimensions of organizational performance.
Coordination and Control
External Orientation
Leadership Team
Work Environment and Values
Key Results
- Targeted strategy to advance women through the pipeline
- Enhanced retention rates
- Significantly increased promotion and advancement rates
- Increased manager engagement towards women’s career and growth
- Greater levels of mentorship and sponsorship
- Promotion within a year
- Noticeable improvement of executive presence
- Think more strategically
- Enhanced effective negotations
- Greater self-awareness and confidence
- Enhanced political savvy
- Enhanced network

Flexibility in Format
Created for a single company and completely customizable based on organization needs and priorities. Ideal for companies that can build a cohort and want to align the program with overall organization competencies and culture.
The cohort is composed of women from diverse industries that engage together as a learning cohort to build broader and diverse relationships within SHAMBAUGH’s flagship WILL coaching and development program.
Virtual WILL program which can be done in-house (ideal for remote or hybrid work companies) or cross-industry.

Differentiating Features That Drive Results for Women Leaders and Their Organizations
The foundation of SHAMBAUGH’s offerings are based on their research, enhanced learning methods, experiences, and integrated approach that aligns with women’s leadership with organizational key drivers to sustain long-term success. Some of these unique features include:360-Assessment
SHAMBAUGH’s Women in leadership and Learning 360 Feedback is a trademarked assessment tool that gives leaders valuable and robust feedback on their most effective leadership skills.
Learning Sessions with Expert Facilitators
Highly interactive sessions that enable participants to share experiences, gain insights, and build a network with their cohort. SHAMBAUGH facilitators create safe environments where women can explore their unique strengths and growth opportunities, applying practical tools, strategies, and techniques that translate into a personalized action plan.
Dedicated Coaching with an Executive Coach
SHAMBAUGH’s certified leadership executive coaches provide targeted one-on-one coaching and group cohort coaching that incorporates constructive feedback, exploration, and expansion of self-awareness and personal growth, and the opportunity to directly apply tools and practices learned from each learning session back to their work environment.
Results Tracking System
SHAMBAUGH’s tracking tool that measures baseline indicators such as mindsets or behaviors and tracks progress at completion of the program.
Follow-up Microlearning Sessions
Microlearning sessions are 30–60-minute learning sessions that are topic-focused, timely, can be attended by a broad audience, and led by a topic expert from the SHAMBAUGH Team.
Cross-Gender Allyship Sessions
These sessions, attended by all genders, are crucial to sustaining support and significantly enhancing workplace collaboration, advocating for others, building capacity to listen, understand, and respect others, etc. These sessions can take the format of fireside chats, small group workshops, or panel discussions.
WILL Alumni Testimonial
WILL Alumni Testimonial

Senior Director
“SHAMBAUGH’S WILL Program has a unique format and design that allowed me to take time to learn, review and reflect on important aspects of leadership.”

“My SHAMBAUGH coach was quick to get at the heart of the issue, help me see the issues, and provide practical tools and advice to correct the situation, in a way that I will remember and reuse in the future.” leader.”

Vice President
“The WILL Program has exceeded our expectations. Participants report that their views have dramatically changed regarding their personal growth and advancing their leadership at Pfizer. This has resulted in an increase in the number of women getting promoted into leadership positions.”